Since my last post I’ve been pretty busy. I removed the old floor exposing some rusty frame. Luckily the main frame rails and even the cross member were in pretty good shape. Only a very limited amount of welding was required to strengthen the cross member in a couple of spots. A good friend brought over his welder and fixed those spots.
I cleaned the exposed frame with the wire brush wheel on the angle grinder that my step-father gave me and then painted the metal with POR-15. I neglected to wear gloves while painting. That was a mistake. POR-15 bonds to skin just as well as it bonds to metal. The only way to get it off was basically to scrape my skin off. It took about 3 days worth of scrubbing and scraping to remove it from my hands. I can only hope that it will stick to the frame at least as well as it stuck to me.
Next I used the old floor as a template for cutting new wood. The original plywood was somewhere between 5/8″ and 3/4″. I chose to use 3/4″ marine grade plywood which was just a little bit too thick to fit under the C-channel around the edges. So I used my grandfather’s trusty router to remove a 1/16″ or so around the edges. I then sealed the edge that goes against the outer walls with Marine-tex epoxy resin. That stuff costs $55 per quart! I had better not see any rot for at least the next 25 years!
And finally I painted the top and bottom with oil based primer.
And now it’s time for the new floor to go in. Expect more pictures very soon.